Rairdon's Nissan of Auburn offers the best deal on tires in Seattle, WA

July 23rd, 2015 by

Does that claim sound too good to be true? Well, Nissan Tire Price Assurance makes it possible. The team at Nissan of Auburn aims to give their customers the best service and most affordable prices in the area, and that includes offering the best deal on new tires.

Where to get the best deal on tires in Seattle, WA

So how can we claim to offer the best deal on tires in the Seattle area? At Rairdon’s Nissan of Auburn, we will match the tire price of any qualified competitor within 25 miles of our dealership. That’s right! If you find a tire at a lower price within 25 miles of Nissan of Auburn, we will give you that price.Rairdon's Nissan of Auburn offers best deal on tires in Seattle area

If you’ve already purchased your tires from Nissan of Auburn, but you find a lower price at another location within 25 miles within 30 days of purchasing, that’s okay! Let us know and we will refund the difference.

When is it time to buy new tires?

Do your tires need to be replaced? If the tire’s tread is too low, your vehicle may be unsafe to drive, especially in inclement weather conditions. You can test your tires’ tread level by placing a penny, Lincoln’s head down, in the groove. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to get a new tire or set of tires.

For more information about Nissan Tire Price Assurance or when to replace your vehicle’s tires, contact our team of professionals at Rairdon’s Nissan of Auburn. We look forward to giving you the best deal on new tires in the Seattle area!